Writer's Wednesday: Writing in a time of crisis
I've been working hard lately on my new novel. Deep in the edits, I'm thinking about scenes that matter or don't, words that serve no purpose, and how to make my story as engaging as possible. And all the while I'm aware of the massive crisis of democracy taking place around us, and it feels weird. How are we meant to act at a time like this? Between writing and calling our senators and representatives, and maybe showing up for protests and rallies, most of life seems to be going on as usual, for those of us who haven't yet been directly affected. Even those of us who have reason to be afraid for family members don't have much we can do to directly protect them (and yes, it sucks to know you might not be able to protect your kids, however adult they are). Is it wrong to keep writing what I call "brain candy" in the light of all this? What would I do if I stopped working? Can my books help someone, somewhere, to hang onto their sanity through a small es...